Bit of a strange post this week as I've been very busy! Here's a practical thing you should do, as well as some nice blogs to read, to make up for that.
- Archiving Your Stuff -
Why aren't you archiving your blogposts?! Do you want another Google Plus collapse? Because this is how we get another Google Plus collapse!
I always wince whenever I go to archive someone else’s post that hasn't been backed up. It takes two seconds, and you can leave it running while you do other stuff.
If you took the time to write and post something it is worthy of preservation - even if you don't feel that way, someone else probably does.
Here's how I archive my stuff using the WayBackMachine.
I go down to the lower right corner and click "Save Page Now".
Then enter the relevant URL into the text box, and click "SAVE PAGE". For bonus brownie points, make an account and tick the "Save Outlinks" box - this makes sure other pages which are linked to (such as other blogposts) are also preserved.
They key is to be patient as it does its thing; saving websites takes time but is worth the effort.
They say the internet is written in pen; let's embrace this.
Not today link rot!
- Spotlighting Other Blogs -
Here are some other blogs I like and why I like them! You probably know about them already, but I feel they don't get as much coverage as the other popular blogs in the scene.
OSR NEWS ROUNDUP. Unlike other OSR news sources, the OSR roundup is very regular, and features more obscure projects/jams that could really use the attention. In all honesty, I'm biased, as some of my projects have been featured in it, but I think that speaks to the willingness of the writer to give newer voices and nobodies like me a chance... and that's something I deeply admire.
DELTA'S D&D HOTSPOT. Maths and heavy research into our hobby has always scared me, particularly managing to grasp the confusing early history of the original game, but Delta does an amazing job. They always back-up why they use particular house rules, and this is extremely helpful to read as someone comparatively new and naive to rules modding.
DICE IN THE NORTH. Probably one of the most creative blogs I've ever seen, Thriftomancer manages to continually surprise and inspire with article subjects. The Dungeon Gifts post is a masterclass in sweetly creepy - and genuinely made my skin crawl while reading it.
That's all for now. I've been busy, and honestly a little burnt out, working with some exciting projects; and the autumn misery of the Northern Hemisphere is fast approaching. Expect this blog to become more infrequent for a while...
I still have a few ideas left for posts I want to make, but we'll see when/if I get the time to write those!
Thanks for reading, as always, and I hope your autumn is shaping up to be less dull and rainy than mine.
I do blogger backups where it gives you the XML file, but I should start doing this too, thanks for the suggestion.